Monday, September 19, 2011

The highway lights

This was my second picture for the 3200 film roll. I choose to take this picture because this tyoe of film can perform better at night than other film speeds like 400 film. So I went on top if a bridge and put the shutter speed on bulb. I held it open as cars went by getting the streak effect.
Exposure time:4 seconds


This picture was part of my 3200 film speed roll. THe 3200 film speed was a fun roll because it was different than normal and was cool to see how the grain was different. I liked how the grain looked on this picture and choose to print it.
Exposure time:5 seconds

Contact Sheet-Roll 2: 3200 speed film


I chose to print this picture because I was surprised that I actually got the grasshopper before it jumped away and was pelased with how it turned out..
Exposure time:1 second


I choose to take this picture because it would be cool if the flower was a silhouette and then get the sun kind of doing a star burst effect behind it.
Exposure time:4 seconds- I had to burn in at the top 28 extra seconds in order to see the sun like it is.

Contact Sheet- Roll 1: Free roll