Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Digital Assignment 6- Mimic Hand Coloring


Aperture: f/11
Exposure time: 3 sec.
I took this picture because it was really cute and there was even lighting for the coloring. I just colored his shirt  and framed him with the back of the seat and the hand rest of the booster seat, I colored this to draw the attention to him.


Aperture: f/8
Exposure time: 3 sec.
I took this picture because the lighting was mostly even and would be easy to color. I colored him  to stand out and then lightly colored the background and Lincoln so that there is a background but its softer than the main subject.

Contact sheet- Roll 8: Hand Coloring

Carters Mt.

Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 6sec. & 3 extra on background.
I took this picture to turn in as layers. you have the kids and parents and then layers of backgrounds. As well as a foreground with the scarcrow and ground.


Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 6 sec. & 4 extra on pumpkins
 I chose to take this picture because of the people in the background all doing something different. This makes the picture more interesting than if it was just the pupmkins and maybe one person in the background.

Contact sheet-Roll 7: Carters Mountain

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This photo was also for my cross-processoing roll. The color change many made the background more of a sepia tone.


This photo is for our cross-process roll. For this roll we used color slide film and brought it to a photo lab to cross-process. This process changes the color hue in the picture giving the picture a different look.

Digital Assignment 5:Mimic cross-processing

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Exsposure:4 sec.
Second Exposure:4 sec.
This picture I used for solarization because of the contrast change. This cat is normally black and white so it turned out well with the film and looks cool when its solarized. I kept the blinds most of the way down to add to the picture so it looked different.


First Exposure:10 sec. w/filters magenta 130 & yellow 23
Second Exposure: 10 seconds no filters
I took this picture because graffiti has many different colors which when in black and white is contrast changes and that is what you need for solarization to look really cool.

Contact Sheet-Roll 5: Solarization

Negative Polaroid Transfers Roll 4

i took this picture for the transfers because it has bright colors and also has layers making it a more interesting picture. Transfers work better if the have light colors because they go to the other paper easier with less lift off.

I took this picture because I liked the bird on the fence with the yellow flower in the background. However there was a lot of dark colors in this photo so there was more lift off , so not as smooth of a transfer.

Cassius & Gromet

Exposure Time: 24sec w/ 14 extra on background and seat.
I took this picture for the layers because this is for the layers assignment. One layer is the puppy at the bottom. ANother layer is the boy Cassius standing in the back. A third is the gator they are standing in. A fourth is the gravel in the back. And a fifth is the trees in the very back.  

Country Boys

Exposure Time:9 sec.
I took this picture because it shows layers well. One layer is the two boys. Another layer is the two dogs playing behind them. A third layer is the building behind them with the trucks in it. And a fourth  layer is the trees and gravel in the background.

Contact Sheet-Roll 3: Layers