Thursday, June 6, 2013

Digital Assignment #20: Assigned in School theme: Veteran Teachers






This started as an in school theme that we drew out of a hat. I drew the topic veteran teachers and started with Mr. Eliason. I sat in on a few of his classes and took pictures of interactions he had with students and administrators. I also photographed our yearbook teacher, because he has been around the school for a while. After this I decided to take it outside the school a little bit, to my work place. The photo of the two children and the teacher outside is my favorite because it shows the dedication teachers have and how patient they are.

Digital Assignment #19: Choice theme 2: Macro Nature








This theme I also got to choose, and was a lot of fun for me. I like the look of macro and I enjoy nature pictures so I decided to combine these as best I could. By shoting nature in a macro style more attention is brought to the detail of each item. Most of the pictures contain a bug or animal in them, this was not totally intentional, but it expresses part of who I am. I love animals and enjoy nature so this theme was a fun way to express something I love.

Digital Assignment #18 : Choice theme 1: Camera Unaware Children Portraits






Being able to choose a theme to photograph was really fun for me because I got to photograph something I found interesting.I enjoy watching children when they aren't aware that you are there, or they are really comfortable with you around, because they act like they really are. I decided to take portraits of children, but when they weren't aware of the camera. This allowed me to capture images that wouldn't occur if the children were aware of the camera taking their picture. This way shows more of a childs personality than a set up photo would.

Digital Print to Film Print

This is a film print of a digital image. I changed my digital image to a black and white and flipped it so when it was printed it would act as a film negative would. I then printed it on a new type of paper that is clear and when I printed the photo it looked like a big negative of the image. Then in the dark room I placed the print on a piece of photo paper and a piece of glass on top of both pieces. I then exposed the paper and the resulting image was a film print of my originally digital photo.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Digital Assignment #17: Mimicking an Artist


When I received this assignment I thought it would be cool to mimic photos of old Charlottesville, by recreating them with what Charlottesville is today. My father had photos from Ed Bradbury who had taken photos on the downtown mall when it was still a road. The first image I mimicked was one of Miller & Rhoads. Now that building is a Five Guys on the Downtown Mall. The second image the building, the Paramount, is still there just with a different scenery. Instead of cars in front of The Paramount there is now outside restaurant seating and a walking mall.

Digital Assignment #16: Split Toning


FDR Monument
Split toning digitally is a fairly simple thing. First, I convert the photo to a black ad white image. Then I added toning in, blue in the shadows, and a sepia for the highlights. Split toning a photo allows you to highlight the shadows and areas of light in a way that shocases both in a balanced way. Neither of these photos did I take with the purpose of making them split toned. After playing around with different photos, I decided that I really like the way these two turned out split toned, even thought that wasn't my intent when I took them.

Film Assignment #10: Impressionism

Contact Sheet
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure: 5 seconds

Impressionistic Building
Aperture: f/8
Exposure: 12 seconds
Filter: #3

Impressionistic Trees
Aperture: f/8
Exposure: 15 seconds + 3 seconds on bottom left
Filter: #3
When I tried an impressionistic look with my digital photos I tried accomplishing the look by shooting through a glass with water prayed on it. This time when I tried the style with my film camera I took a different approach. Instead of taking the photo through glass with water on it I took photos just using water. I took pictures of items that were near a body of water and got the reflection of them in the moving water. The reflection combined with the water's movement created the soft, blurry look associated with impressionism. The first picture is a reflection of a hotel in a nearby lake, and the second is of trees reflecting into the pond they are near. In both images the wind was moving the water helping to create the style.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Film Assignment #9: Eyes

Contact Sheet
Aperture: F/5.6
Exposure: 5 Seconds

Exposure: 14 Seconds
Filter: #4

Aperture: f/8
Exposure:14 seconds + 6 seconds on white
Filter: #4
To focus on the eyes I used an aperture of f/2 when I was shooting. This gives me a very short depth of field so while the eyes are focused on, the rest of the image gets blurry drawing the focus to the eyes. I wanted to make them interesting so I grabbed one of my scarves and had my mom wrap it around her head. The scarf accentuates the eyes even more. I then decided to try an animal eye. I chose a white horse because the white of his fur would contrast nicely with his dark eye.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Digital Assignment #15: Impressionism


An impressionistic style can be achieved in different ways. I experimented with reflections and water on a piece of glass, although this look can also be achieved through motion blur. Both of the above pictures I took through a piece of glass that was sprayed with water. The water on the glass gives the image the softer, more blurry look that can be associated with watercolor paintings. I think that the simplicity of these photos helps enhance the effect of the impressionistic style.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Digital Assignment # 14: Family Portrait Recreation and One that is Meaningful in 5 Years

                                                                        Family Portrait

This portrait is important because it is our most recent photo together. We don't often get photos taken as a family, only once every few years. This was one of the neater, and less serious photos we did. I decided to recreate this image because it is fairly simple, and I thought it would be cool to see how all of us changed since we last had a family photo taken.

My Portrait Mimic
New Family Portrait
This image will be meaningful to my family in five years for several reasons. The first is that this portrait has the two family pets we have had for the longest amount of time. Sadly in five years there is a big chance that neither of them will be around, as Kenai(the dog) is 12 and Roxy(the cat) is 15. We have no other photos as a family that has Kenai and Roxy in them. Also this will be meaningful in five year because only one child will still be at home in five years, Jesse. Tyler and I will probably be off at college, and Paige could be starting a career or going on to further schooling.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Film Assignment # 8: High & Low Key

Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure: 5 seconds

Aperture: f/8
Exposure: 10 seconds on subject, 3 seconds on background
Filter: #4

Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure: 1 second

Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure: 2 seconds

Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure: 4 seconds + 2 seconds on left
With my high and low key photos I wanted to focus more on close ups. I picked some objects that I could get close to and control the lighting with. For my High key photos I photographed relatively light objects and placed them on a light background. I then played with my light meter a little to get the background really white. For my low key photos I photographed objects that were already in a dark setting. For the bowl I noticed that the light coming through the window was lighting up one side of it. I then bumped my light meter down a little so the highlighting would be greater and the background would be very dark.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Digital Assignment #13: 10 Photo Theme: Music










I decided on music as my theme because my family is very musical. All of us play at least one instrument. We love to get together with other musical friends and play as a group for fun. I first focused on individual instruments. I would set them up and play with different things like lighting and surroundings to get a photo I liked. I then added the musicians to the photos, displaying different aspects of playing an instrument, such as: concentration, practice, and teamwork.